Thanks for your comments re the numerics of the Scriptures.
The way I see things is this:
The proposition that the Creator would want to underwrite the truth of a
statement that He foresaw would, one day, be flatly denied or
watered-down by the majority of the world's intelligensia, seems
eminently reasonable. There can be little doubt that the authority of
the Bible as a whole rests, ultimately, upon the truth of its opening
words. Taken at face value, these are the received words of a Sovereign
Being for whom nothing is impossible; a God more than capable of
creating all things from nothing in six literal days some six thousand
years ago. Yet the sad fact is that all kinds of reasons have been
advanced for casting doubt on this unique miracle. Our scientific and
intellectual establishments have preferred an explanation of origins
that does not require the involvement of a Sovereign God - nor any
appeal to the miraculous.
We read in Isaiah 29:13-24 that God has promised to do something about
this. I believe the language of number to be His means of 'destroying
the wisdom of the wise'. It is surely significant that, way back, both
Jews and Greeks adopted systems of alphabetic numeration. The words of
the Scriptures, as originally written, are therefore, by implication,
fairly interpretable as numbers. As I have demonstrated in my writings,
geometrical patterns are revealed in certain numbers, and number
sequences, which are apposite to the accompanying text. Can you believe,
for example, that the coordinated geometries of Genesis 1:1 and the
Lord's Name are nothing more than flukes? Surely, it is only God who is
capable of achieving such wonders! And with good reason at this point in
time - as I hope you'll agree. It is a typical that the evolutionist
lobby should refer to these matters as 'numerology'. However, facts are
facts, whatever we choose to call them!
Please examine some of the other material and consider the matter
Sincerely, and with kind regards,
"When I show a man he is inconsistent, I make him decide whether of the
two he loves better, the portion of truth he already holds, or the
portion of error." (J.H.Newman, Tract 85)
Vernon Jenkins
[Musician, Mining Engineer, and Senior Lecturer in Maths and Computing,
the Polytechnic of Wales (now the University of Glamorgan), 1954-87]