Re: IC (Challenge)

Kevin O'Brien (
Wed, 24 Mar 1999 20:56:23 -0700

>I remember applying for this program, but there was a huge waiting list
>of both lab positions available, and students because they didn't have
>enough money for the program. It really irritated me that they were
>to give me money (a grant) and loan me money, but not pay me money to work
>in the lab and increase my experience. (Sorry, off topic)

Try asking individual professors if they would be willing to take you on
outside the program; the worst they can say is no. Don't be afraid to
volunteer your time if they say they have no money to pay a student
assistent. Be persistent without being pushy or demanding; even if they
have nothing currently they might remember you later.

>>So if a new protein did create a product
>>that was toxic to the cell (just as long as it was not immediately
>>a new protein or system would be developed to handle it (this kind of
>>is seen all the time in laboratory experiments and is well documented).
>I would be interested in seeing some papers on this.

I have no references handly, but you can do a literature search using an
online database like MedLine.

Kevin L. O'Brien