Data non grata?

Vernon Jenkins (
Wed, 10 Feb 1999 23:09:07 +0000

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To the Forum:

I am encountering considerable difficulty in bringing the material of
the appended file into the public domain - where it surely belongs. Is
anyone able to explain the enigma? - or is it that I've overlooked
something important?


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In general, whole numbers appear to the eye (a)as objects or events of interest to be counted, or (b) as stringsof symbols to be interpreted. The first concern absolutes and maybe idealised with reference to collections of uniform spheres.The second are to do with matters of human expediency; theyinvolve choice of radix, and the creation (or adaptation) of aset of symbols, together with rules for their use. Thecurrently-used method of number writing represents the finalstage in a long process of evolutionary development; included inthis was a period during which complete alphabets wererequisitioned for use as numerals as, for example, among theGreeks (from c.600 BC) and the Jews (from c.200 BC). Because theoriginal documents of the Judaeo-Christian Scriptures werewritten in Hebrew (Old Testament) and Greek (New Testament) itfollows that they may also be fairly read as sets of numbers.(These schemes and their rules of use may be found at

Whether arising from (a) or (b), numberssometimes exhibit interesting patterns. In the case of (a), itmay be possible to place the objects to be counted (uniformspheres, as suggested) inside a regular polygonal or polyhedralframe so as to fill it precisely and completely. In suchsituations the numbers represented are said to be figurate. Atypical example is found in the game of snooker - the 15 'reds'being tightly arranged in equilateral triangle fashion prior tothe commencement of each frame. With regard to (b), it may bethat the repetition of a particular digit catches the eye, or itis seen that a number reads the same backward as forward, oragain that a simple digit rotation yields a multiple of theoriginal number.

When many events of these kinds are observed tooccur in a small set of numbers, we may feel strongly led toattribute them to intelligent design (ID).

[Please note: followingstandard mathematical practice, the period (.) will here be usedto signify 'multiplied by'.]

An Auspicious Beginning

In his writings, Ivan Panin has drawn attentionto the interesting fact that the 7 Hebrew words of the Bible'sfirst verse total 2701, or 37.73 - both factors prime. Here arethe details:


However, more interested in following a trailof 7's, and apparently having little understanding of probabilitytheory, he completely missed a far more significant thread andentered a world of fantasy - nevertheless, unearthing theoccasional nugget of gold.

The developments that Panin missed are nowconsidered.

Clearly, there is sufficient material here toattract the attention of all earnest seekers of truth. But thestory is only half told, and we continue...

The Plot Thickens

The foregoing analysis has revealed 37 to be akey player in the Genesis 1:1 phenomena. However, the depth ofits involvement is greater yet, for consider:






Order Hexagon (X) Hexagram (Y) X.Y = Triangle Comments
2 7 13 91 Factor of 3003
3 19 37 703 "...and the earth."
4 37 73 2701 Genesis 1:1

In Search of an Author

There can be little doubt that this confluenceof coincidences, springing from the heart of mathematics, speaksloudly of intelligent design. Could it be that Panin's basicassumptions have been right all along? - that God, in Hisinfinite wisdom, has by these means provided man with empiricalevidence of His Being and Sovereignty? To ascribe the phenomenato chance - bearing in mind the nature of the Book in which theyoccur, and their strategic position and content - surely demandsa leap of faith of mammoth proportions; on the other hand, tobelieve they are the work of man, one has to hypothesise theexistence of some mathematical/literary genius writing manycenturies before the introduction of alphabetic numeration intoIsrael.

That the phenomena are undoubtedly ofsupernatural origin, and intended to achieve some seriouspurpose, is made clear by the following extension to theforegoing analysis:



For further developments involving thesephenomena see The Other Bible Code and 666 - and AllThat! at


Vernon Jenkins

7th February, 1999

