First, let me echo Loren Haarsma in welcoming Deborah Chory to the list.
Welcome Deborah.
Regarding Loren's comment about the current low list traffic:
>This group is still ongoing, but the volume of posts has dropped way down
>over the last few months. I don't know if a lot of people unsubscribed,
>or if everyone is still subscribed but too busy doing other things.
There may be a lot of truth to either or both of these possible
explanations. But I suspect that the major reason for the current low
level of list traffic is due to the relatively recent unsubscriptions of
the list's two main spark plug-participants whose provocative posts have
historically ensured many vigorous ongoing discussions (sometimes with
the same discussions being repeated multiple times). I refer, of
course, to the unsubscriptions of Stephen Jones and Glenn Morton. Without
them things just haven't been the same around here.
Deborah, as you have, no doubt, just discovered, any post submitted by
Loren can be counted on for being insightful, well-reasoned, well-crafted,
and of very high overall quality. Loren's posts are always must-reads.
As you will find out (assuming you hang around here and if traffic picks
up) this list is frequented by quite a few others whose contributions can
be counted on to be of high quality. Occasionally the discussions here do
get bogged down and dominated by lower quality and petty contributions,
but such threads do tend to burn themselves out and another cycle of
valuable contributions come to replace them.
I too, am interested in your response to the 3-fold distinction that
Loren made regarding the apparent mission of your museum.
David Bowman