Re: Lack of Apologetical predictions

Kevin O'Brien (
Wed, 11 Nov 1998 21:54:51 -0700

Greetings Glenn:

Have you ever really challenged him on something, shown him to be wrong
about something so basic he shouldn't get it wrong, in essence show him to
be deliberately dishonest about he knows and how he tells it to others?
That's basically what I did. I therefore posed a threat to his credibility
as a scientist and as the "kind face" of creationism. When faced with that
kind of threat he showed his true colors. The Devil will pretend to be your
friend as long as you do not attempt to expose him, but once he thinks you
will he will try to destroy you. Gish has no other choice, because the
alternative is be exposed as a liar, charlatan and fool.

Since you and Burgy do not pose that kind of threat to him, he can afford to
be friendly with you guys.

Kevin L. O'Brien