Re: Primeval Atmospheres

David J. Tyler (
Mon, 9 Nov 1998 12:07:25 GMT

Kevin O'Brien wrote on Sat, 7 Nov 1998, in response to Art's post:

> However, in my opinion the abstract does not support your claim that there
> has never been a reducing or neutral atmosphere.

It constrains the "reducing atmosphere" model - pushing it back yet
further into the past.

> The data reported only
> goes back to 3 billion years, whereas the information from Mason that I
> reported in that very same post, in the section of the post you cut out,
> establishes that the earth had a strongly reducing atmosphere between 4.5
> and 4 billion years ago, followed by a weakly reducing atmosphere
> progressing to a neutral atmosphere between 4 and 3 billions years ago.

There is no evidence which "establishes" this, Kevin. This is
"theory" pretending to be data.
Further comment from me, on the paper cited by Art, is at:

Best regards,
David J. Tyler.