Re: The Evolutionist: Liar, Believer In Miracles, King of

Mike Hardie (
Fri, 30 Oct 1998 11:13:30 -0800

At 11:48 AM 10/30/98 -0700, you wrote:
>The only disagreement to going forward is your insistence on trust
>instead of escrow for the handling of the money. Yet, escrow is the
>method of choice in business because it forces the parties to define in
>the form of a binding contract the conditions for the decisions to be
>made by the escrow officers.
> So if you are sure that Haeckel's embryo data were not falsified, you
>will put your money in escrow. If you know, as is common knowledge, that
>Haeckel falsified his data, then you know that you will surely lose your
>$100,000 and you won't put your money in escrow.
> It is common knowledge that Haeckel falsified his data.
> That is the reason you won't put your $100,000 in escrow and I will.

Joseph, a personal plea: give it a rest already. Nobody takes your wagers
seriously, and constantly inundating the list with them is just a waste of
bandwidth. If you want to solve the Haeckel thing, *argue the issue*,
instead of clamouring for monetary gain. I know I'm breaking my own rule
against responding to you here, but honestly: I don't think you're really
so unreasonable a person that you can't see my point. Do rational
scientists argue points by saying "oh yeah, well, $100,000 sez you're
wrong"? No. Are you a scientist? By your own admission. So come on, now.

Mike Hardie