Re: The Evolutionist: Liar, Believer In Miracles, King of Criminals.

Joseph Mastropaolo (
Thu, 29 Oct 1998 20:16:27 -0700

I need to know why you now want to communicate privately. You give no
You wanted me to accept your challenge that Haeckel did not falsify the
embryo data. I did. I stated uneqivocally that Haeckel falsified the
embryo data. Next, you said I lied and I in turn maintained that both
you and Haeckel are the liars. On this disagreement you wanted to wager
$100,000. I accepted and wrote the contract in the form of fair, equal
and decisive escrow instructions with your suggestion about court
trials. You do not want me to escape the consequences of the showdown.
The escrow instructions are written so that neither one of us can escape
the consequences of the showdown.
What more do you want?
In effect, you have the ace, king, queen and jack of diamonds showing
and you maintain that with your hole card you have a royal straight
flush, the unbeatable hand. I say you are a four-flusher and have
nothing. You raised the bet orally to $100,000 and I called by pushing
my money to the center of the table, i.e. offering to put it in escrow.
Now, you don't want to push your money to the center of the table, i.e.
put it in escrow. If you don't, then you have folded and I win.
If you have the 10 of diamonds in the hole, put your 100K in escrow.
You can't lose. On the other hand, if is the deuce of spades, you'd
better fold. Your bluff did not work. I hope this clarifies the
situation for you. Accordingly, I repeat:

> > It does appear that Haeckel was convicted by a University Court of
> >fraud.
> That was from Pim van Meurs. Don't you believe Pim?
> I insist that the money be put in escrow with instructions. I
> incorporated your claim, not mine, that Haeckle was tried in court. I
> also equally provided for settlement if you can't provide what you claim
> and if I can't provide what I claim. As given, it will be settled.
> Neither you nor I will be able to escape the consequences of this
> showdown. Attend to the challenge:
> > (1) You give the evidence that Haeckel was tried in municipal, state,
> > state superior, state appellate, state supreme, federal, federal
> > appellate or federal supreme court for his fraudulent embryo drawings,
> > then I'll give evidence that he was convicted.
> > (2) If you can't give the evidence that Haeckel was tried in court for
> > his fraudulent embryo drawings, then I shall give evidence from a
> > peer-reviewed science publication that he falsified the drawings.
> > (3) We both deposit $100,000 in escrow by 15 November 1998 with the
> > following instructions:
> > (a) If you give the evidence in (1) and I do not, then you collect the
> > $200,000.
> > (b) If we both execute (1), then I collect the $200,000.
> > (c) If you cannot give the evidence in (1), and I cannot give the
> > evidence in (2), then you collect the $200,000.
> > (d) If you cannot give the evidence in (1), and I do give the evidence
> > in (2), then I collect the $200,000.
> > Agreed?
> > Joseph Mastropaolo