RE: The Evolutionist: Liar, Believer In Miracles, King ofCriminals.

Kevin L. O'Brien (
Thu, 29 Oct 1998 07:51:57 -0700

"My compliments. You are on. Here is how we proceed.
(1) You give the evidence that Haeckel was tried in municipal, state,
state superior, state appellate, state supreme, federal, federal
appellate or federal supreme court for his fraudulent embryo drawings,
then I'll give evidence that he was convicted."

You are the one who made the claim that Haeckel was a fraud and you can prove it. I set forth the conditions for the bet in my previous post. I will not engage in any of your rigged betting schemes. You have until midnight October 31st of this year to accept my terms. Otherwise everyone will know you for the four-flushing liar you are.

Kevin L. O'Brien