RE: The Evolutionist: Liar, Believer In Miracles, King of Criminals.

Pim van Meurs (
Wed, 28 Oct 1998 22:19:00 -0800

Joseph: One bedrock issue is abiogenesis. It has never been observed. All the
experiments have failed. It is not science. Therefore, in science ñevolutionî has no beginning.

True but that is irrelevant. Since the Big Bang has never been observed and experiments to recreate it have failed, this does not mean that astronomy therefor is without merrit. And while creation of life has yet to be performed in a lab, many steps have come much closer.

Joseph: The trend of the entire universe, including the biosphere, is devolution. Devolution is observed everywhere, evolution nowhere.

That is incorrect as well. Evolution is observed in the universe, new stars are being born. The same on this earth, while organisms die, new organisms are born. Evolution is all out there. So is death but death is irrelevant to evolution, survival is as well as what happens to the gene, not the individual.

Joseph: Therefore, evolution has no beginning in science and has no engine in
science to push anything up the viability hill.

Other than the observations and mechanism to explain them<g>

So indeed, despite Joseph's contrary assertions "evolution" is observed not only directly around us but all over the universe. Wrt biological evolution, it also is observed all around us. That evolution perhaps lacks a beginning is irrelevant, evolution could not care less, it merely observes how life progressed over time and proposes mechanisms to explain the observations.

That is aka the scientific method Joseph. I could provide you with some pointers which explain the scientific method.