RE: Janet posts to T.O. as well

Pim van Meurs (
Wed, 28 Oct 1998 20:22:16 -0800

I know that there is some evidence that evolution does exist, but there is not
enough to convince me that I came from a monkey.

A bit of a strawman. Monkeys and humans share a common ancestor.

Amando: Who's to say that monkeys didn't come from humans?

See above.

Amanda: If evolution happened so long ago, why haven't more monkeys evolved into humans since then?

See above. And the split between the "monkeys" and the humans was relatively recent. But why would you expect monkeys to evolve into humans ? Evolution makes no such claims that this HAS to happen

Amanda: This is just my opinion and if you have comments on it, then go ahead. Start your

Let's call it educating rather than bashing