RE: The Evolutionist: Liar, Believer In Miracles, King ofCriminals.

Kevin L. O'Brien (
Wed, 28 Oct 1998 13:30:01 -0700

Yah, yah, I know, I said I would ignore Joseph, but he left open an opportunity I cannot ignore.

"I repeat the following with the admonition that it can be documented:"

Then I challenge you to document it. See below.

"Kevin L. O'Brien said, 'This claim is an out-right lie. Haeckel committed no fraud.' I said Haeckel committed fraud and Kevin says I am lying. I in turn state that Kevin is a repeated liar because Haeckel committed fraud. Shall we put $10,000 on the issue of Haeckel's fraud?"

I'll do you one better. I'll bet you $100,000, and to win it all you have to do is provide court records showing that Haeckel was tried and convicted of fraud, and that he was forced to pay a fine or served time in prison as his punishment. I'll give you until the end of the year. If you find such records, you will mail them to me, I will scan them into my computer, then post them with this group. The group as a whole will then decide if you have won the bet. If, however, you can find no such records by midnight, December 31, 1998, then you will pay me $100,000, as well as admit that your claims about Haeckel are lies. If you do not accept this bet by the end of the month (midnight, October 31, 1998) then you will have admitted that your claims about Haeckel are lies. So, what will it be: document your claims and win $100,000 or admit that your claims about Haeckel are lies? Only a "four-flushing liar" would turn away from this bet.

Kevin L. O'Brien