Re: A fine-tuned universe

Randy Bronson (randy@Techsource.COM)
Wed, 28 Oct 1998 07:53:35 -0500 (EST)

On Tue, 27 Oct 1998, Howard J. Van Till wrote:
> 3. What about your analogy to the "desgned" computer?
> First, a computer is not only "designed," but it is also also
> "constructed." So far that's exactly the same approach taken by most
> proponents of ID. The ID'd universe fails to have the requisite capabilties
> to bring about the assembly of a few key forms. Hence the need for episodes
> of "extranatural assembly."
> The phenomenon of fine-tuning, on ther other hand, refers to the ability of
> the most fundamental constituents of the universe to self-assemble (by
> divine intention, I would add) into the various structures (nucleons,
> atomic nuclei, atoms, stars, galaxies, etc.) now seen. This ability to
> self-assemble is part of what I call the "robust formational economy
> principle."
> So, to make the anaolgy work, I think you would have to propose a computer
> that had the ability to assemble itself from fundamental matter, but
> nonetheless (however surprising in this context) did not have the ability
> to program itself. Hence the need for "extra-computorial programming." Is
> this what you intended?
> Howard Van Till

No, but it sounds like that's what I should have intended. I was
focusing on the inability of this fune-tuned universe to bring forth
life without "form-imposing intervention". In light of this perhaps a
better analogy would be an automated factory that can assemble computers
but can't program them. That seems a better parallel with the picture of
the universe we actually hold. Would this be a valid way to state the ID

Randy Bronson

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