Re: first fish to walk

Cliff Lundberg (
Mon, 26 Oct 1998 00:43:57 -0800

Gary Collins wrote:
> An article from today's Telegraph:
> The analysis, published in Nature, confirms that the
> osteolepiforms were the ancestors of all four-limbed
> land creatures, the tetrapods, which made the transition
> from water to land about 370 million years ago.
> Mr Ahlberg said: "We've traced the precise line of
> evolution, or a very close approximation, from water to
> land - through the lobe-finned fishes and up into the
> earliest tetrapods."

Does anyone have a reference to the full article?

I'm not skeptical of the general idea, but very skeptical of
the claim of precision or something close to it.

-- Cliff Lundberg ~ San Francisco ~