Re: The Evolutionist: Liar, Believer In Miracles, King of Criminals.

Joseph Mastropaolo (
Sat, 24 Oct 1998 10:09:18 -0700

Sorry Burgy:
Truth has been around for a longer time than my challenge and it also
must be > getting a little old.>
But it seems that science can't make any progress without the truth.
It is a pity that you and so many others on this list don't value
Lies are the antithesis of science.
If what is posted is a lie, then it is worse than nothing.

> To Mike, Ed, Kevin and all other evolutionists:
> > Evolutionists are sorely in need of a champion. Would you like another
> > chance at the challenges that proved that evolutionists are liars and
> > they believe in miracles? And would you like again the rationale for the
> > evolutionist philosophy furthering the greatest organized crime in the
> > history of the planet: the accelerated demise of every species in the
> > only known biosphere in the universe?
> > If you missed out on the $121,000.00 in prize money for an evolutionist
> > champion, I'd be glad to give you another chance at it.
> > Joseph Mastropaolo