RE: Kevin O'Brien wrote:

Kevin L. O'Brien (
Sat, 24 Oct 1998 11:03:30 -0600

Greetings Burgy:

"As a PC, I have to reject that description of my position."

I wasn't trying to describe YOUR position, since like any ideology PC has a range of tenets and not every believer agrees with all of them. However, if you compare the basic tenets of PC with those of OEC you find that they are very similar, except that OEC prefers major instantaneous creative events between periods of stasis whereas PC prefers a more, well, progressive approach, where creation occurs more or less constantly and far more subtly up until the creation of modern man. In any event, PC still rejects evolution, and it still relies on miracles, so it is just scientifically impossible as OEC or YEC. It also suffers from the handicap that it produces results that are indistinguishable from evolution, so there is no scientific advantage to assuming PC over evolution.

Kevin L. O'Brien