Re: The Evolutionist: Liar, Believer In Miracles, King of

Ed Brayton (
Thu, 22 Oct 1998 15:22:31 -0400

Mike Hardie wrote:
> > And would you like again the rationale for the
> >evolutionist philosophy furthering the greatest organized crime in the
> >history of the planet: the accelerated demise of every species in the
> >only known biosphere in the universe?
> (Pauses for a moment to stop laughing...)
> Even by your "logic", this one seems like a stretch. Care to explain how
> evolution, even if it is as false as you assert, has accelerated the demise
> of every species? I wasn't aware that scientific theories caused their
> subjects to spontaneously combust. Or are you just getting carried away
> with your rhetoric again? BTW, any response consisting of merely "you are
> a liar" or "accept Joseph's Amazing Technicolour Dream Challenge" will be
> ignored.

Mikey, Mikey, Mikey, thou fount of naivete. You don't seriously expect a
coherent response from Joseph, do you? As I've already said, there is
absolutely no point in trying to carry on an intelligent conversation
with Joseph. You are engaging in a battle of wits with an unarmed man.
If Joseph ever found himself lost in thought, it would be unfamiliar
territory for him.
