RE: Glenn wrote:

Kevin L. O'Brien (
Thu, 22 Oct 1998 12:18:03 -0600

Greeting Art:

OK, I'll bite. But I'ld rather be stuffed and hung over your mantlepiece than fried up with almonds.

"I would be glad to if I were privy to the nature of God. I don't pretend to understand His nature, and if you have some way of enlightening me I am all ears."

But this is not something you could get out of the Bible, because the Bible does not mention genes. This is something you must have thought up on your own, as an interpretation of Scripture. So you should be able to explain what you meant by it.

"'Then if God is not a flesh-and-blood human being who simply happens to supernatural, omniscient and omnipotent, how could we be made in the physical image of God?' You tell me."

It's a simple enough question: if we are made in the physical image of God then God must be physically a human being, just an extremely powerful one. You deny that this is the case. So in what sense were we made in the physical image of God? Again, this is not something that the Bible teaches, so it must be your personal interpretation of Scripture. So again you should be able to explain what you meant by it.

However, since you asked, I do not believe we were created in the physical, emotional or even mental image of God, because there are Scriptural references that describe as physically, emotionally and mentally not-human. Instead, I believe we were created in the spiritual image of God, because we share with God a spiritual nature. The soul He imparted to us is part of His spiritual essence; by giving it to us He made us part of Him, into an image of Himself so to speak.

Kevin L. O'Brien