RE: Glenn wrote:

Arthur V. Chadwick (
Thu, 22 Oct 1998 12:54:40 -0700

At 11:39 AM 10/22/98 -0600, Kevin wrote:

>I find this statement confusing. You say that the physical image of God
that was imparted to man has nothing to do with genes, but then state that
genes are a vehicle for communication between God and man (at least).
Could you please clarify?

I would be glad to if I were privy to the nature of God. I don't pretend
to understand His nature, and if you have some way of enlightening me I am
all ears.

>Then if God is not a flesh-and-blood human being who simply happens to
supernatural, omniscient and omnipotent, how could we be made in the
physical image of God?

You tell me.
