Re: Glenn wrote:

Arthur V. Chadwick (
Thu, 22 Oct 1998 10:24:46 -0700

At 02:24 PM 10/21/98 -0600, Burgy wrote:

>It seems to me that such an experiment is quite likely possible, and if
>possible at all, it will most probably be carried out by someone,
>somewhere. Assuming a new "group" of beings is thus created, it is going
>to be a real ethical problem as to how to treat them! Much more than
>abortion and same-sex behavior! But I'd rather talk about the effect on
>the YECs. Art -- how would you view this?

If we assume that Scripture is correct and that man is unique in being made
in the image of God, then I suspect that defacing that image is something
that the enemy has been hard at work on for millennia. I suspect that God
would not be pleased to have man entering into the experiment more than he
already is. Perhaps those 50 genes are the only difference between man made
in the image of God and a mere creature, since it is the developmentally
early genes such as those in question that are responsible for most of what
we are. 50 genes each of which may mold the results of 5000 genes or more
is no small matter in terms of the ultimate fate of the organism.