The Evolutionists Default On The Ultimate Challenge.

Joseph Mastropaolo (
Tue, 20 Oct 1998 20:47:10 -0700

On this list, evolutionists have lied continually. In four specific
tests of veracity with prize money of $121,000, evolutionists chose to
admit they lied rather than defend their lies. Lying is the antithesis
of science. Evolutionists thereby prove decisively that they are not
Evolution cannot be observed anywhere in the entire universe. In
the trend everywhere in the universe is the exact opposite: devolution.
Therefore, evolution is anti-science.
Evolution has its genesis not in spontaneous generation or
which have been disproven, but rather in Greek theogony and subsequent
Greek philosophy. Evolution is a fantasy of the human imagination and
continues in modern times as philosophy, metaphysics or polytheistic
religion. It has become the creed of superstitious materialists.
The evolution of one molecule of one protein has the same
as any miracle, including a perpetual motion machine. The evolutionist
holds an irrational belief in miracles.
That so much brain power is wasted on the irrational in the face
of our
unique biosphere being accelerated to its demise by unbridled wealth is
a great pity. That a philosophy or religion, like evolution, hastens
that acceleration is criminal. There is no higher crime than the
genocide of every species on the planet. There is no more heinous
criminal than the evolutionist.
Evil seems to be one of the few things capable of evolving as
anti-morality of evolution weakens the moral tissue of all societies.
Let us hope that the acceleration of violent solutions does not outstrip
the accelerating demise of the biosphere or evolutionists may be the
first to depart the choking, thirsting and starving world.
Joseph Mastropaolo