Hello, Dr. Zaius

Cliff Lundberg (cliff@noevalley.com)
Tue, 20 Oct 1998 12:00:58 -0700

Glenn R. Morton wrote:

> Question: Assuming (big if) that such a set of insertions actually moved
> the chimp toward the human form and cognition, what would people opposed to
> evolution then say to maintain the anti-evolutionary position? Would
> anti-evolutionary Christians finally be forced to admit that evolution
> might have occurred?

I don't see why they would have to admit that. They'd just claim
it was an unethical meddling with (or muddling of) God's creations.

No doubt some politicians will be trying to outlaw this. But this
might be tricky. Inter-species gene insertion is a procedure of
proven value. If they try to ban it in relation to chimps, that
would imply recognition of a special connection to those animals.

-- Cliff Lundberg ~ San Francisco ~ cliff@noevalley.com