Re: Protein Probabilities

Arthur V. Chadwick (
Tue, 20 Oct 1998 10:17:19 -0700

At 08:34 AM 10/20/98 -0600, Kevin wrote:

> But this discussion also puts the lie to another creationist claim, that
evolution has contributed nothing to modern society. Very shortly now it
may in fact provide the very basis for creating new therapeutics to fight
communicable, metabolic and genetic diseases. I thank God that in all His
wisdom, He chose to create evolution.

Listen to yourself, Kevin...Shame on you. You state that you hope that
some technique that you infer to have something to do with evolution, will
someday provide some useful function. You then use this hope to "put the
lie to [present tense]" some assertion that creationists have made
regarding the failure of evolution to contribute anything to modern
society. I hope I am safe in assuming that this lapse was due to
overzealousness on your part, and is not an indication of your inductive logic.