Re: Morton's Rebuttal

Glenn R. Morton (
Mon, 19 Oct 1998 19:36:12 -0500

At 08:39 AM 10/19/98 -0700, Janet Miller wrote:
>>You are perfectly free to make a link to my review or any other item on the
>>evolution reflector. When you wrote asking about putting my review on your
>>web page, I said that it would be alright as long as it was un-edited. As
>>to revising the review, I would let it stand because I have spent quite
>>enough time on the loess theory of the universe.
>>As far as I am concerned you may either link it or put the post on your web
>>page in its entirety (unedited of course). The link is:
>Tut, Tut, young Morton, that offering doesn't quality
>as rebuttal to anything. I'd call it the childish
>ravings of one who's utterly lost control of himself.
>You will have to meet a higher standard than that if
>you hope to earn a place on my Web Page.

Thank you for calling me young. It has been a long, long time since
someone called this greying grizzled one 'young'. I would point out that
you did exactly as I expected by refusing to link what you had previously
asked permission for, which is exactly why I have no intention of jumping
through hoops for you only to then have you say the same thing AFTER I
engaged in all the work. You are welcome to your imaginary universe; I hope
you and the 4th dimension get along just fine.

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