Re: Glenn wrote (on 9/30)

John W. Burgeson (
Mon, 19 Oct 1998 16:59:48 -0600

Glenn wrote:

"It tells us a very significant fact about history--there was a beginning
and God was the cause. This is history!!! Hopefully true history rather
than fabricated tales. That is precisely my point. Genesis 1:1 MUST be
historical rather than allegorical. But what happens is that everyone
weak knees when Genesis 1:2-Genesis 11:32 comes along"

IMHO, your first sentence is a terribly weak argument! If I start a
fictional story by saying, "In New York, it was a Sunday and it was
raining," and then go on to talk about clearly fictional characters,
would you say the first sentence was "history?"

As for "weak knees," I happen to have one (not two) due to an athletic
event over 50 years ago. But it does appear in your writing above as a
pejorative! The same argument is used by some of our YEC friends to
categorize those of us who are not of their persuasion! < G >


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