RE: Principles and the Ultimate Challenge.

Steve Clark (
Fri, 16 Oct 1998 11:04:13 -0500

At 08:22 PM 10/15/98 -0600, Kevin L. O'Brien wrote:

>Joseph is nothing but a bully.

>The best way to handle a bully is simply ignore him, no matter how much he
provokes and insults you. If we all simply shun Joseph, eventually he will
have to go >elsewhere to feed his need. I know it can be difficult, but if
we all work together it will work.

This plea has been made a couple of times. I too encourage all to enjoy
Joseph's posts by simply hitting "trash".

Recently a Nazi group wanted to march in a small town in Wisconsin. The
protesters showed up and caused more publicity for the Nazis than they
would have gotten if they had been ignored. It is not really important
that someone or some group has something to say; it is important if they
have an audience. Even if the audience disagrees with the message, the
fact that there is an audience helps legitimize the message. Individuals
who do not want to participate in reasoned discourse here should not be
legitimized by our response.

I say ignore Joseph.