RE: The Ultimate Challenge.

Pim van Meurs (
Thu, 15 Oct 1998 15:35:18 -0700

Joseph has cleared up the issue:

The encyclopedia stated "It is sometimes refered to as abiogenesis as opposed to biogenesis".

This however does not mean that "abiogenesis" equals just "spontaneous generation". So to suggest that therefor abiogenesis only refers to "spontaneous generation", as such is incorrect. At least in the context that it has been shown to be disproven.

I am still wondering why Joseph is under the impression that the scientific method involves "making bets".
And despite his claims, Joseph has not shown that evolution is anti-science or that people on this reflector are 'liars'.

I also notice that Joseph has yet to address rebuttals of his statements, whether it be "Petersen's" 4th dimension or "probability".

Nevertheless I keep hoping that Joseph will live up to his statement that he uses the "scientific method".