RE: Morton's Rebuttal

Pim van Meurs (
Thu, 15 Oct 1998 14:38:27 -0700

I am merely pointing out an inconsistency on your website:

I turned next to the Internet and consulted the better known Catastrophism sites "and the news groups for some mention of it, but to no avail until I happened upon the Evolution Listserve archive maintained by Calvin College. Here I found one sober-minded gentleman defending the book against what might be described as a gallery of court jesters. Although they made a great deal of noise they added nothing to my understanding, and neither did they offer anything that could pass as rebuttal."

You seem to be implying that no rebuttal was presented when in fact there was at least one.


From: Janet Miller[]
Sent: Thursday, October 15, 1998 11:36 AM
Subject: Morton's Rebuttal

I really did not mean to slight Mr. Morton
by not having cited his rebuttal on my new Web
Page. I was thinking only of the propriety of
citing a rebuttal that had been written before
my page was even posted. With Morton's permission
I will go ahead and make a link to that site, but
if he would like to refine his remarks and make
them more responsive to what I now have actually
written I will link to that revision instead.
Maybe he will let me know his choice.


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