RE: Earth Rotation and the Flood

Kevin L. O'Brien (klob@lamar.ColoState.EDU)
Thu, 15 Oct 1998 10:09:50 -0600

Greetings Steve:

"Yes, when I look at a rock outcrop I am biased into looking at it in a standard geologic framework and not, for example, as the result of a recent global flood."

I wouldn't even call that bias. You expect it, because as you pointed out there is so much evidence from so many other sources that support the standard geologic framework. But if what you observed in fact contradicted the standard geologic framework, you wouldn't stubbornly insist upon interpreting it that way, but would investigate it intensely to find out what interpretation it would support.

Kevin L. O'Brien

"Good God, consider yourselves fortunate that you have John Adams to abuse, for no sane man would tolerate it!" William Daniels, _1776_