"I turned next to the Internet and consulted the better known
Catastrophism sites and the news groups for some
mention of it, but to no avail until I happened upon the Evolution
Listserve archive maintained by Calvin College. Here I found one
sober-minded gentleman defending the book against what might be
described as a gallery of court jesters. Although they made a great deal
of noise they added nothing to my understanding, and neither did they
offer anything that could pass as rebuttal. Hoping to elevate the
discussion to a more civilized level I entered the fray on September
9th. Again a great many words flew--ostensibly in opposition to the
thesis, but the jesters, too, managed somehow to evade the central
To anyone who was here watching the exchange on the subject, this
paragraph is either dishonest or delusional. Glenn Morton's review of
Peterson's book can be found here:
If there was a reasoned, point by point response to this review, I did
not see it and I don't think anyone else did either. There was a lot of
tap dancing, but absolutely no substantive response to it. I cannot
imagine how the paragraph above was written with a straight face.