RE: Calling All Evolutionists To Get Rich Quick.

Kevin L. O'Brien (
Wed, 14 Oct 1998 08:27:20 -0600

Joseph, all this proves is that you have no interest in being the better man, but since you have admitted to me you are not a Christian, I made a mistake in appealing to you as a fellow Christian. Considering your contempt for Christians, it is no wonder you would not wish to emulate them.

Kevin L. O'Brien

-----Original Message-----
From: Joseph Mastropaolo []
Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 1998 5:35 PM
To: Kevin L. O'Brien
Subject: Re: Calling All Evolutionists To Get Rich Quick.

Kevin wrote:> > As a fellow Christian I beseech you, in the name of
Christ, it is better >to bless those who curse you and to return evil
with good. Don't give in to the
>temptation to mistreat people simply because they are your adversaries. Treat people
>with respect regardless of how they treat you, and thus demonstrate that you are the
>better man.

Ed wrote> There's only one problem with that, Kevin. Joseph clearly is
not the
> better man. Ed

Ed also wrote to Joseph:
> How on EARTH did anyone grant you a professorship?
> Who did you blow to get that job?

Joseph Mastropaolo