RE: And life goes on

Pim van Meurs (
Tue, 13 Oct 1998 20:25:51 -0700

ROTFL. Yep, the scientific method lead us to conclude the same :-)

I have given Joseph another chance to respond using the 'scientific method' he claims he uses and address his argument accordingly. The message 'recap' was just sent out to the reflector.

We shall see.

From: Ed Brayton[]
Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 1998 7:44 PM
To: Pim van Meurs
Cc: Calvin Evolution Reflector
Subject: Re: And life goes on

Pim van Meurs wrote:
> Dear all,
> It has been educational, it has been enlightening, it has been slightly frustrating but I believe that it would be the best for all on this reflector if I were to respond only to inquiries or statements from Joseph which are based upon the scientific method.
> I'll let the readers decide on what to think of the rest of Joseph's arguments. May their archive serve as a lesson to us all.

LOL. I wrote essentially the same message moments before reading this
