RE: Pim's Faith

Pim van Meurs (
Tue, 13 Oct 1998 10:26:48 -0700

"In all sincerity, it is not my desire to insult you.
However, your misrepresentation to me and the others on this
list fits perfectly in the definition of "Clinton speak"."

"Clinton speak" = 1. Commit the offense.
2. Deflect the question.
3. Attack your accuser.>>

There is no offense, there is no reason to answer the question and certainly no reason to attack the accuser. I merely stated that I don't feel this is relevant.

Dan : "You are the one who has been so critical of others'
credibility. Yet, it is your credibility and honor that has
suffered in this exchange."

I can live with your interpretation since I do not believe that personal faith is related to credibility or honor. My faith is between me and my Creator. Any suggestions otherwise are irrelevant to me. Certainly any attempts to bait me into a discussions are very likely to fail when using implicit accusations.