Re: Calling All Evolutionists To Get Rich Quick.

Ed Brayton (
Tue, 13 Oct 1998 13:04:37 -0400

Kevin L. O'Brien wrote:

Kevin to Joseph>>> There are times when you are extremely lucid and
erudite, even open-minded; at such times it is a joy to converse with

I must have missed those times. Since the moment that Joseph has joined
this list, he has shown the same pattern of behavior:

1. Ask a question or make a challenge.
2. Have nearly everyone on the list show him that the question or
challenge is based on at least one incorrect premise.
3. Don't respond to the issue of the incorrect premise, but continue to
act as though the fact that no one has answered the question or taken up
the challenge shows that they cannot do so.

He did this with his absurd survey confusing abiogenesis with
spontaneous generation; he did it with his advocacy of Peterson's raving
bovine excrement about a 4th spatial dimension; and he is doing it here
with his "challenge". It is absolutely pointless to try and hold a
reasoned discussion with him; you have a better chance of getting the
truth out of Bill Clinton.

> Then there are times when you are dogmatic, insulting, even obtuse; at such times the impulse is to wring your neck.

I'm afraid my impulse is always to want to wring his neck. I shudder at
the thought that a man with such invincible ignorance was actually a
college professor.

> As a fellow Christian I beseech you, in the name of Christ, it is better to bless those who curse you and to return evil with good. Don't give in to the temptation to mistreat people simply because they are your adversaries. Treat people with respect regardless of how they treat you, and thus demonstrate that you are the better man.

There's only one problem with that, Kevin. Joseph clearly is not the
better man.
