RE: Earth Rotation and the Flood

Arthur V. Chadwick (
Tue, 13 Oct 1998 11:37:07 -0700

At 09:13 AM 10/13/98 -0600, Kevin wrote:

>So my apologies for the vehemence of my disagreement, but I stand by my
original statement: it is a foolish scientist who lets his bias interpret
his data.

I don't want to engage in verbal sparring or be insulting, so I will make
my comment generally. I think this discussion is about bias. Somehow I
think you have the idea that bias is wrong or unhealthy. But bias as I am
using the word, is precisely what enables all of us to do science.
Biochemists are no different than other scientists on this score. I don't
see many biochemists using multiple working hypotheses. They are too
anxious to get their stuff into print before someone else does! I am very
concerned when I hear someone saying they are free of bias, and that others
who disagree with them are biased.