RE: Mastropaolo's probabilities are science.

Pim van Meurs (
Mon, 12 Oct 1998 22:19:45 -0700

Pim wrote:
> Poor Joseph, has to resort to betting when he does not understand the scientific
>argument being made.

Joseph: All the more reason to take advantage of my ignorance, Pim, and make
yourself a fortune in the process. There they are below: your chance to
make $101,000.

Why ? Seeing you resorting to ad hominems while faced with scientific issues you do not comprehend is far better a reward than some money. And it can serve to prevent others from making the same foolish mistakes. How could a few dollars make up for that ?

I notice that once again you ignored the argument in favour of your silly and meaningless bet.

And you considered yourself a 'scientist' ?

Actions speak so much louder than words