RE: Earth Rotation and the Flood

Kevin L. O'Brien (
Tue, 13 Oct 1998 09:13:07 -0600

Greetings Art:

With all due respect to the individuals you quoted, I must disagree (no surprise there). As a working biochemist I happen to know that what Shapely wrote (at least for other biochemists) is both extremely simplistic and rather overstated. Biochemists like myself let the data determine what the proper conclusion should be; we do not force fit data to any pre-conceived conclusion. The experimental results simply don't let us. In fact, a biochemist who throws out data simply because it goes against his bias is labeled a bad scientist and doesn't get published. It's just that simple.

So my apologies for the vehemence of my disagreement, but I stand by my original statement: it is a foolish scientist who lets his bias interpret his data.

Kevin L. O'Brien