Re: Earth Rotation and the Flood

Arthur V. Chadwick (
Mon, 12 Oct 1998 17:19:22 -0700

At 12:41 PM 10/12/98 -0400, Steve wrote:

> Instead of addressing their statements about the leaves being tough, the
>tidal currents on the bars the laminae are deposited on being gentle, etc.
>you reply with an attitude of "well, they're biased anyway". It reminds
me of
>partisan Democrats in the House of Representatives screaming that the
>are partisan. I think your bias is apparent as well which is why it's
>to discuss the evidence, not accuse legitimate researchers of having bad
>These guys are investigating modern analogues for these tidal rhythmites
and seeing
>exactly the conditions which would preserve your fossil without any problem.

I have not seen any of their papers with fern leaves or anything else
similar passing through 30 or so laminae. Maybe you can fill me in. I
have never claimed to be free of bias. Only a fool is able to make such a