RE: Mastropaolo's probabilities are science.

Pim van Meurs (
Mon, 12 Oct 1998 08:54:52 -0700

Joseph: Can you see anything being made de novo by random or chance processes?>

Yes but things get even better. Abiogenesis and evolution are not 'random or chance processes'.

Joseph: Or from spontaneous generation or abiogenesis? I can't.

Logical fallacy. Personal incredility.

Joseph: What is the trend of the entire universe? Evolution? It is just the
opposite: devolution. In order for anything to happen anywhere, there
must be an energy conversion and after the conversion some of the energy
becomes unavailable. The entire universe, as well as the biosphere, is
running down, not up.

Indeed but locally the trend can be quite the opposite. So your argument is left with little relevance.

Joseph: Evolution is a mental construct from the Greek
Promethean myth because it is observed nowhere.

But it is. So it appears that you are closing your eyes to reality
Scientists take speculations, do experiments, analyze the results
statistically to obtain a probability to decide whether the results
could be accounted for by chance or by the experimental factor. If the
results could occur by chance more than 5 times in 100, not attaining
the P<.05 standard, then the experimental factor is not believed.

Indeed, then it is believed that CHANCE caused it to happen. Exactly something you are trying to show could not have happened. It appears that you do not understand the science of probabilities.

Joseph: . If evolution works by chance
and random processes, we can calculate that,

Bad assumptions make for bad calculations. Evolutions does not work by chance alone.

Joseph: and if the chance of
evolving just one molecule of one protein is 2.3 x 10^-75, then that
misses the standard for a scientist by more than a vigintillion and I
can't believe it.

As much as a single hand of card would miss the standard. Which leads to the conclusion that your argument is fallacious. The probability you refer to in the 0.95 case is the probability that it was not CHANCE that caused the observation.

Let's say I deal a set of cards and you get four aces, the chance of that it pretty small. Yet noone would necessarily accuse you of cheating.

Joseph: I consider myself a scientist, not a creationist and not an

You can call yourself all you want. You apparantly however do not understand science.