Re: Calling All Evolutionists To Get Rich Quick.

Joseph Mastropaolo (
Sun, 11 Oct 1998 23:46:46 -0700

This is in reply to your butting into someone else's message, Pim.

Pim wrote:
> Poor Joseph, has to resort to betting when he does not understand the scientific
>argument being made.

All the more reason to take advantage of my ignorance, Pim, and make
yourself a fortune in the process. There they are below: your chance to
make $101,000.

>0.95 is not limited to correlational evidence. So, here is a chance to
>make another cool $1000. You say that 0.95 is a standard limited to
>correlational analyses and we both put up $1000. If you are right, you
>collect the $2000. If I am right, I collect the $2000. Deal?

>Now let me offer Kevin, and every other evolutionist who would like to
> join him, an opportunity to get rich quick with your evolutionist
> convictions. You bet 100 times at $100 per bet in a lottery that we set
> up with your evolutionist's probability of winning of 2.3 x 10^-75. For
> every win, I give you $100. What you lose goes to me. Then you do the
> same for me at the scientist's probability of winning of 0.95. For every
> win, you give me $100. What I lose goes to you. Deal?

> Taking note of how much you talk, Pim, the ante ought to be raised
> proportionately for you. So, I will offer you 1000 bets as above and
> match you with 1000 bets. Deal?

> I listen, Kevin. And I'm putting my money where my mouth is. I invite
> you to do the same.

> If you don't put your money where your mouth is Pim, you will look like
> a liar to the whole world.

> Put your money where your mouth is, Pim, or look like a cheap
> four-flusher to the whole world.

Joseph Mastropaolo