RE: Calling All Evolutionists To Get Rich Quick.

Pim van Meurs (
Sun, 11 Oct 1998 18:56:07 -0700

Pim wrote:
> Poor Joseph, if he had evidence he should share it with us rather than try to
>muddle science with silly bets.
> So explain how science can support a game of cards if the likelyhood of the
>individual hands is so small ?
> Another strawman bites the dust.

Pim, hurry and put your money where your mouth is. You are looking like
a four-flushing liar to the whole world.

Ad hominem as well. Poor Joseph. Not much is left in his argument. He is deaf to science, tries to use silly bets to prove a 'point' unrelated to the issues and accuses people of lying.

Thanks, this is very useful materials for others to observe.
Please explain how science can support a game of card if the likelyhood of the individual hands is so small ? This is quite similar to you 'probability' argument and shows how hollow the argument really is.

And you must realize this since you are trying to distract by calling names and silly bets.

What's next dear Joseph