Re: Evolution is as alive as Frankenstein's monster.

Joseph Mastropaolo (
Sun, 11 Oct 1998 15:39:38 -0700

Kevin wrote:
> > Remember what I said before: if creation is scientifically
> > impossible, then evolution must be true, no matter how improbable
> > it is. Since creation is scientifically impossible, evolution
> > must be the truth.
I tried Kevin's logic by substitution: if the manufacture of 747s by
intelligence is scientifically impossible, then they must have been made
by a tornado through a junk yard no matter how improbable that is. Since
the manufacture of 747s by intelligence is scientifically impossible,
then manufacturing by tornadoes through junkyards must be the truth.
Let us also examine "no matter how improbable it is." The probability
of evolving just one protein molecule is 2.3 x 10^-75. That is,
0000000023. Before believing, a scientist needs 0.95, therefore 2.3 x
10^-75 misses the mark by a little bit.
Put another way, at the race track a billion evolutionists line up and
serially bet two dollars on horses that have won twenty-three times in
their last ten billion vigintillion races. A billion evolutionists go
home broke. The scientists similarly line up and bet their two dollars
on horses that have won no less than 95 times in their last 100 races.
They all go home rich.
Now let me offer Kevin, and every other evolutionist who would like to
join him, an opportunity to get rich quick with your evolutionist
convictions. You bet 100 times at $100 per bet in a lottery that we set
up with your evolutionist's probability of winning of 2.3 x 10^-75. For
every win, I give you $100. What you lose goes to me. Then you do the
same for me at the scientist's probability of winning of 0.95. For every
win, you give me $100. What I lose goes to you. Deal?
Joseph Mastropaolo