Re: Evolution is alive and well

Glenn R. Morton (
Thu, 08 Oct 1998 17:08:43 -0500

At 07:45 AM 10/8/98 -0700, Arthur V. Chadwick wrote:
>I would also suggest that if Glenn is correct, and I question what method
>he used to arrive at his conclusion, that most scientists are evolutionists
>because they have bought into a world view and not because they have
>themselves tested any of its premises. Just exactly what view of evolution
>do most of them espouse? This may come as a shock to some on this
>listserve, but I would suggest, based upon my scientific friends, that most
>scientists do not even care about evolution, one way or the other. It has
>no bearing on what they do from day to day.

True, but I would like to note that I am an evolutionist precisely because
I DID test the predictions of the two world views. As a former YEC, my
sympathies lay entirely on the non-evolutionary side. But the data
actually supported the evolutionary side and I finally had to decide
whether to believe the data I saw or my theology. I grew weary of always
having to explain to people why the latest data of science didn't mean what
it obviously meant.


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