Re: Mechanisms for increasing information, complexity

Joel Duff (
Wed, 7 Oct 1998 15:48:46 -0500

>3) Mechanisms to increase the size of an organism's genome:
>3a) Gene duplication.
>3b) Horizontal gene transfer (from another species, or from a virus).
>3c) Allopolyploidy.

3d) Endosymbiont capture. Bacteria such as Borelia become integral
components of Aphids and as such are a form of integrated genome. In a way
this is a form of production of new organelles. Other general examples
would be the origin of chloroplasts and mitochondria.
>4) Mechanisms to increase the number of proteins an organism produces:
> (without changing genome size)
>4a) New splice variants. Mutations can occasionally lead to the
>production of new splice variants, increasing the total number of
>different proteins that the genome can produce.
>4b) Mutation after gene duplication.

How about:
4c) Mutations resulting in differential RNA editing leading to different
coding strands on the same messenger RNA
4d) Ambiguous tRNA charging leading to a variety of amino acid combinations
from the same messenger RNA

Joel Duff