Re: Open Letter To Glenn

Glenn R. Morton (
Tue, 06 Oct 1998 19:29:46 -0500

At 10:22 AM 10/6/98 -0700, Dario wrote:
>Thanks for the computations and you have helped a lot in making my case.
>The first five chapters of Genesis were dictated from the beginning of
>the Universe perspective. So the 15+ billions of years it took to get
>to what it is today are contained in the six days of Genesis.
>As your calculations proved, if I view time from today towards the big
>bang and view time forward from the big bang it will appear as one event
>with no difference whatsoever.

Sorry Dario, my calculations said nothing about the big bang. If you want
to talk about the Big bang you MUST us General Relativity, not the special
relativity your equation apples to. And since I used the equation you
suggested and only calculated things for Jupiter and the earth, I fail to
see how you can extrapolate this inappropriate result to the Big Bang.

>Sorry this happen when ones writes pass midnight. The passage I meant
>to point out was Isaiah 11:1-16 which describes the reign of the
>Isa. 11:1-10 "And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse,
>and a Branch ...

>God doesn't change. He remains the same and all of the things have been
>declared and done before the earth was created.

This still does not say that the early earth had children playing with
asps. It might say that this will occur in the Messianic Kingdom, but where
is the verse that says it applies backwards?

>So we have the same situation before and after the new earth. Based on
>these two descriptions I base my belief that before the fall of man, the
>earth was like it is described in Isaiah.

You can believe that all you want, but the Bible doesn't say what you believe.

>It isn't until after the flood that God commands man to eat animal
>flesh. Isn't that interesting?

He told NOAH and FAMILY (all human beings) to eat meat. Where is the
command to the animals? My Bible doesn't have it.

>Gen. 9:2 "And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every
>beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth
>upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand are
>they delivered. Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you;
>even as the green herb have I given you all things."

Great, so animals are now (justifiably) scared of us. But I simply don't
see what you are reading into scripture, the concept that God gave the same
command to animals. Where is it?

>Well at last, it is belief what its all about, isn't? I believe Genesis
>and you believe Hayden.

Actually you don't believe Genesis. You believe what YECs teach about
Genesis. You can't show where god commanded animals to eat meat. They eat
meat today, but God never commanded them to eat meat. It is certainly
within the Biblical data that Animals ALWAYS ate meat.

>> >
>> >Not all tents around the world are built in the same manner as the bedoin
>> >tents of North Africa and Middle East.
>> >
>But a tent is portable. When we begin speaking about huts, bricks, 45
>inches depressions on the earth, thatching and the rest, we're not
>talking tents anymore. At least not in my opinion or the Hebrew word
>used in Genesis.

You obviously don't know what most huts are like. They have no bricks or
thatching. They are just branches woven together occasionally with skins
thrown over them.

>> >I don't think the flood was in Mesopotamia. It is a site that does not
>> >match the description of the flood.
>> >
>Well Glenn, where was the garden of Eden located at? In which direction
>were Adam and Eve expelled to?

I thought you said you had spent lots of time on my web page? Go see
Theory for Creationist.

>> >Agreed, but answer the question in the context of the technology of the
>> >Hebrews. You wanted us to get a rabbi to talk about the genealogies
>> >because we were inserting modern ideas into the Hebrew. I ask the
>> >again. Is not the Job 37:3 a limited use of the term 'under all the
>> >heavens'?>
>Well no. If one reads the description of Jesus return it states that in
>an instant a loud horn will sound and all eyes will see him, yet He
>isn't moving about the planet.

That is not the same thing. That is from the new testament and does not
define the Hebrew phrase "under the whole heaven."
>What I meant was the shore of the Msspp river. Did it have trees or
>tall vegetation close by or not. These do affect the evidence of
>Again I point to my experiences in the Amazon with it's yearly
>flooding. In many occasions the river builds islands, reformat shores,
>create lakes, remove islands (with tall green trees on them). After
>spending time there one get this feeling that the river is alive and
>moves about without any regard.
>I guess after years of looking at labeled items, one develops a habit of
>labeling people. I have written more than once before, and keep on
>writing about it, the 6 days of creation aren't 24 hour periods like you
>like to paint them but rather the whole life of the universe. Now if you
>insist on labeling me a 'YEC' do so but it isn't honest.

If you hold to a global flood, which you seem to do (or did originally),
that view is most closely associated with young-earthers. Old-earthers
don't need a global flood.

>Furthermore the Hebrew word used to describe day in Gen 1 means 'heat'
>no "one full earth rotation around it's axis". For someone who dices
>and slices words such as flesh, earth, flood and tents how come the same
>isn't practiced with day?

Yom, the hebrew for day, is used to tell Adam that the 'day' you eat you
will die. He didn't. He lived about 900 years more. Yom doesn't
necessarily mean one full earth rotation.

>> >I like it. But there is absolutely nothing to require the usage of this
>> >with the advent of anatomically modern men when H. erectus also behaved
>> >humanly, built a village, carved a venus figurine etc. It very well might
>> >mean that 'not quite human' creature was Australopithecus, or even a
>> >
>Never a chimp!!

Why? 98% of YOUR DNA is IDENTICAL to that of the chimp!!!!
96% of YOUR DNA is IDENTICAL to that of the gorilla!!!!
92% of YOUR DNA is IDENTICAL to that of the Orangutan!!!!
83% of YOUR DNA is IDENTICAL to that of the Baboon!!!!
~ H Kim and O. Takenaka, "A Comparison of TSPY Genes from Y-Chromosomal DNA
of the Great Apes and Humans: Sequence, Evolution and Phylogeny," American
Journal of Physical Anthropology,100:301-309, p. 301.

Notice that the more morphological difference, the greater is the DNA

Adam, Apes and Anthropology
Foundation, Fall and Flood
& lots of creation/evolution information