RE: Earth Rotation and the Flood

Pim van Meurs (
Mon, 5 Oct 1998 20:28:08 -0700

At 07:49 PM 10/4/98 -0500, Glenn wrote:

>Are these cycles the fortnight cycles? If so, there is no problem. Leaves
>today last quite a long time in lakes and streams prior to their

<<These very delicate lace-like leaves would have to have stood vertically in
the water column, unsupported, with no evidence of decay, while daily tidal
currents swept repeatedly across them, for two months (at least). Not a
chance. There is a problem with that interpretation. But maybe it would
be easier to explain away the leaves than to attempt to reinvestigate the
data on the cycles.>>

But perhaps your view is erroneous and leaves could have survived ? What depth are we talking about here ? How strong are the tidal currents ? Remember that the velocity at the boundary is zero. Perhaps you should provide us with some more data showing that the leaf is a problem for the current interpretation before insisting on abandoning it ?
Or perhaps you could reinvestigate the data and show an alternative ?