Humphreys responds to the accusations

Ed Brayton (
Fri, 02 Oct 1998 19:59:50 -0400

Dr. Humphrey's posted this to the CARM board sometime today:

"The mistake here is not mine! The figure you
show (4.5) from Merril & McIlhenny was *not*
what I drew my figure from. I got mine from
a different figure in the same section having
500-year *global averages*. As every paleo-
magnetist knows, intensities from a single site,
especially from clays, are full of "noise". Also
note corrections (for C-14 dating)I applied
to the timescale.

All the details are in my 1986 ICC paper. I
suggest that you read it before jumping to wrong
conclusions again. Also, you might consider
following the usual journalistic practice of
consulting the author before writing your
article. It saves the journalist the
embarassment of printing a retraction, which
I now ask you to do. Please send me a copy.

--- D Russell Humphreys, Ph.D."

This could get interesting.

Ed Brayton