Re: Humphreys magnetic field data

Glenn R. Morton (
Fri, 02 Oct 1998 16:59:14 -0500

At 04:07 PM 10/2/98 -0400, Steven H. Schimmrich wrote:
> Do I have another goal? Yes. I would like not to be ashamed of my
>and sisters in Christ when I share my faith with fellow geologists.
People who
>tell me "Christians are morons" or "Christians are liars" because of YEC.
>hard to share my faith in the saving grace of Jesus Christ when other
>tell my geologist colleagues that they're tools of Satan for believing the
>is more than 6,000 years old (and yes, even I have been called a "tool of
>by brothers in Christ who've read my web pages and have sent me
hate-filled e-mail).
>You want harsh, try reading some of the YEC web pages out there (happy to
>references to anyone interested) or YEC books like "Evolution - The Lie"
by Ken
>Ham with a picture of Satan on the cover.

I do have to agree with Steve here. I find my colleagues ears totally
stopped up when it comes to Christianity. Why? Because what they see with
their own eyes is not compatible with what YECs teach about geology. It is
sad to see a colleague tell you that Christianity is a bunch of ____ that
is totally false, and to know that they are rejecting what the global flood
people teach. And there is almost no way to reach these people for Christ.
At least I haven't found a way.

But, I would ask Steve to realize that just because the YECs are harsh
(John Woodmorappe is quite harsh with me) is no more a reason for us to be
harsh with them than when a YEC uses someone like Sagan or Dawkins as
justification for their harshness.

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