RE: A PERFECT Creation????

Karen G. Jensen (
Wed, 30 Sep 1998 09:21:38 -0600

Tue, 29 Sep 1998 22:11:00 -0600 Kevin L. O'Brien wrote:

>Or think about bacteria. If you start with one bacterium and let it double
>in number every hour, within a few days, a week at most, the surface of the
>earth would be covered with a layer of bacteria with a mass greater than
>that of the solar system. Normally this can't happen because they choke to
>death on their own waste, they encounter other organisms that poison them
>with antibiotics, viruses kill them, the get eaten by earthworms, etc.
>But if there was no death before the Fall, Adam and Eve would be ankle deep
>in them in two to three days.

It's possibe that there were relatively fewer bacteria at that time,
and that their multiplication rate was more restrained than at present.