Re: Dawkins and increase in information

Brian D Harper (
Fri, 02 Oct 1998 14:00:32 -0400

At 08:03 PM 10/1/98 -0700, Art wrote:
>At 01:54 PM 10/1/98 -0400, Brian wrote:
>>Let's review the nature of Dawkin's answer on the
>>transcript. First he provides a more precise definition
>>of what information means in terms of complexity. Not
>>as precise as we might like but perfectly acceptable for
>>the situation....
>This is amazing! With friends like you around to cover his blunders,
>Dawkins should have no fear from the misguided efforts of creationists to
>uncover his weaknesses! Come on, Brian, let him speak for himself (which,
>in this case, he has already done, to his further embarrassment.)

First let me ask those who participate in both the asa and
evolution groups to be careful which list they send a
response to. The quote above comes from a post I sent to
the asa list. It was in response to a post from Glenn, also
to the asa list. Those who subscribe only to this list are
probably a little confused.

Several comments:

1) You seem to assume that if I criticize Gillian that I
am supporting Dawkins. It is possible that all parties
involved are guilty of improper behavior, it is not an
either/or white/black situation. But, for your information,
I have never met Dawkins and do not consider him to be my

2) I am not speaking for Dawkins. In the above I was
summarizing something *he* said as revealed on the
segment of the transcript that Glenn posted. That
segment shows Dawkins giving an answer to the question
that the video tape implies he cannot answer. I view
this as misrepresentation of the content of the interview.
Should I hold my tongue because I don't particularly like
Dawkins, or because I know full well that if I speak out
someone will abuse me on account of it?

3)I find your statement about the efforts of creationists
to uncover Dawkins' weaknesses revealing. Is this what
its about then? I thought it was about finding an answer
to the question as to how evolutionary mechanisms can give
rise to an increase in genetic information. But if this
were the case it seems that you would be more interested
in what Dawkins says on the transcript.

Brian Harper
Associate Professor
Applied Mechanics
The Ohio State University

"It appears to me that this author is asking
much less than what you are refusing to answer"
-- Galileo (as Simplicio in _The Dialogue_)